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The Benevolent Fund Rules


1.1 NAME

The FUND shall be named THE BRITISH GUILD OF TOURIST GUIDES BENEVOLENT FUND (hereinafter referred to as the FUND).


The prime object of the FUND shall be to relieve in cases of need, hardship and distress persons in the categories specified in rules 2.3 below.

2.2 To that end the British Guild of Tourist Guides (hereinafter referred to as the Guild) shall empower an elected committee to collect monies with the application of Gift Aid where appropriate by regular or one-off personal contributions, donations from other sources or by any other legitimate means specifically for the purpose of establishing and maintaining the FUND.

2.3 The FUND shall be used for the prime object through the disbursement of discretionary amounts in cash or in kind to:

A. Registered Guides having qualified for not less than one year.


B. A spouse/partner (at the discretion of the Trustees) of a deceased registered Guide such Registered Guide having had not less that five years’ professional qualification.

C. Former or retired Registered Guides having had not less than five years’ professional qualification.


The investments belonging to the FUND and any cash not needed for the immediate working purposes shall be held and invested for the FUND.


The Committee of the FUND shall consist of four Guild Members who shall be elected at the Annual General Meeting of the Guild and shall become ex-officio Trustees of the FUND.

4.2 Such Trustees shall serve for a maximum period of three years after which they shall retire but remain eligible for re-election.

4.3 The Chairman, Secretary and Treasurer of the FUND shall be appointed by the Committee from among its serving members.

4.4 The Committee shall have the power to fill a vacancy occurring on the Committee pending a General Meeting of the Guild and may co-opt Members of the Guild for specific purposes; such Members shall not vote.

4.5 Three voting Members present at any meeting of the Committee shall constitute a quorum.


The Treasurer of the FUND shall maintain a record of all donations and any other monies received into the FUND and shall settle such administrative and incidental expenses as may be incurred out of the monies donated to the FUND; all of which shall be subject to scrutiny by the Committee.

5.2 A Banking Account shall be opened by the Treasurer in the name of the FUND and all monies received shall be deposited therein.

5.3 At least 25 percent of all income received annually shall be invested in suitable Trust Securities by the Treasurer and other Trustees.

5.4 All withdrawals from the FUND’s account shall be countersigned by the Treasurer and one other Committee Member whose specimen signatures are to be submitted to the Bank holding the Account.

5.5 A Balance Sheet and an Income and Expenditure Account shall be prepared by the Treasurer annually and shall be circulated to all Guild Members eligible to attend the Annual General Meeting of the Guild.


The Secretary of the FUND shall keep records of all proceedings and Minutes of Committee Meetings and attend to correspondence.

6.2 The financial details of any disbursements made under Rule 2.3 (a-d inc) shall be recorded in the Minutes but such details shall otherwise be treated as strictly confidential.


An Independent Examiner shall be elected annually at the Annual General Meeting of the Guild to prepare the accounts and an Independent Examiner’s Report annually.


The Committee acting on behalf of the Guild shall proceed in accordance with Rule 2.2 and shall be empowered to organise any appeal or activity for the acquisition of additional funds provided that no trading activities of a permanent nature are undertaken.

8.2 The Committee shall ensure that all donations and monies received into the FUND shall be devoted to the Objects of the FUND and for the defraying of expenses incurred in the administration thereof.

8.3 The Committee shall examine all cases bought to its notice under Rule 2.3 above and shall absolute discretion to make disbursements for such cases.  The Committee’s decision shall be final and must be unanimous.


Alterations to these Rules provided they do not alter the charitable status of the FUND can be made only by resolution, by such resolutions(s) to be voted on at a General Meeting of the Guild.

9.2 Any such resolutions(s) must be submitted in writing to the Secretary General of the Guild and be received not later than 28 days prior to the date of the next General Meeting of the Guild.

 Tourist Guides Benevolent Fund

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